Pambula-Merimbula Lions Club are working in conjunction with Eden Marine High School through the Wellbeing Hub located on the school grounds to offer care packages. These are for vulnerable youth who find themselves in need of basic personal care products.
Twice a year, members of our club and community kindly donate items that are delivered to Eden Marine High School Student Support Officer Michele Polach. Michele kindly distributes these products on an as need basis and we are told they are very much in demand.
We are always looking for donations and if you are able to supply any of the following items please call Gail Stephenson on 0414543328 to arrange collection. Items are much in need for both male and females.
- Deodorants
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
- Socks
- Underpants
- Sunblock
- Body Wash
- Moisturiser
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- (No razors please)
- Hair brushes and combs
- Female menstrual hygiene products
- Small tissue packs (no boxes please)
- Facewipes